
Monday, June 12, 2023

Dalgona coffee recipe | How to make Dalgona Coffee at Home

 Dalgona coffee is a whipped coffee beverage that originated in South Korea. It became popular worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic as people started experimenting with coffee recipes at home. Here's a simple recipe to make Dalgona coffee:


2 tablespoons instant coffee

2 tablespoons granulated sugar

2 tablespoons hot water

Milk (any type you prefer)

Ice cubes (optional)


In a mixing bowl, combine the instant coffee, sugar, and hot water in a 1:1:1 ratio. For example, you can use 2 tablespoons of each ingredient.

Using a hand whisk, electric mixer, or even a frother, vigorously whisk the mixture for several minutes until it becomes thick, frothy, and creamy. This process is easier with an electric mixer, but it can be done by hand with some effort.

Once the mixture has reached a whipped cream-like consistency, you're ready to assemble the Dalgona coffee.

Fill a glass with milk of your choice, leaving some room at the top for the whipped coffee.

Spoon the whipped coffee mixture on top of the milk. You can create patterns or simply spread it evenly.

Optionally, you can add some ice cubes to the glass to make it an iced Dalgona coffee.

Before drinking, stir the whipped coffee into the milk to incorporate the flavors.

Enjoy your homemade Dalgona coffee!

Note: Dalgona coffee is typically served cold, but you can also try it with warm milk if you prefer a hot version. Additionally, feel free to adjust the sweetness and strength of the coffee by adding more or less sugar and coffee powder according to your taste preferences.

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